Senin, 05 November 2012


¤ pukat kantong (seine net) : pukat ikan,pukat udang (shrimp
trawler),dogol,pukat pantai,pukat cincin (purse seine),dll
¤ jaring insang (gill nets) : jaring insang hanyut,jaring insang
lingkar,jaring insang tetap,jaring klitik,trammel net.
¤ jaring angkat (lift net) : bagan perahu,bagan tancap,serok,dll.
¤ pancing (hook & lines) : rawai tuna(tuna long line),rawai
hanyut,rawai tetap,huhate (pole & line),pancing tonda,dll
¤ perangkap (traps) : sero,jermal,bubu,dll
¤ lain – lain alat : muroami,alat pengumpul kerang,alat pengumpul
Definisi : jenis penangkap ikan berbentuk kantong bersayap yang dalam
operasinya dilengkapi (2 buah) papan pembuka mulut (otter
board),tujuan utamanya untuk menangkap ikan perairan pertengahan (mid
water) dan ikan perairan dasar (demersal) yang dalam pengoperasiannya
ditarik melayang di atas dasar hanya oleh satu buah kapal bermotor
1.PASAL 31 ayat (1) huruf d.Keputusan menteri kelautan dan perikanan
no.KEP.60/MEN/2001 Tentang penataan penggunaan kapal perikanan di ZEE
2. PASAL 16 ayat (1) huruf c. Keputusan menteri kelautan dan perikanan
no.KEP.10/MEN/2003 tentang perizinan usaha penangkapan ikan
Pukat diizinkan beroperasi di wilayah ZEEI laut cina selatan,ZEEI laut
arafura,ZEEI Samudera hindia,dan ZEEI selat malaka.
Definisi : jaring berbentuk kantong dengan sasaran tangkapannya udang.
Jaring dilengkapi sepasang papan pembuka mulut jaring dan Turtle
Exchuder Device/TED (alat pemisah/untuk meloloskan penyu),tujuan
utamanya untuk menangkap udang dan ikan dasar,dengan cara menyapu
dasar perairan dan hanya boleh ditarik oleh satu kapal
1.PASAL 1 keppres RI no.85 tahun 1982 tentang pengunaan pukat
udang,dengan tidak mengurangi ketentuan keppres no.39 tahun 1980 dan
instruksi presiden no.11 tahun 1982,pukat udang dapat di gunakan di
perairan kep.kei,tanimbar,aru,papua,dan laut arafura dengan batas
koordinat 130′ BT ke timur,kecuali pantai masing-masing pulau yang
dibatasi oleh garis isobat 10 meter;
2. Pasal 31 ayat 1 huruf g. Keputusan menteri kelautan dan perikanan
no.KEP.60/MEN/2001 Tentang penataan penggunaan kapal perikanan di ZEEI
3. Pasal 16 ayat 1 huruf d. Keputusan menteri kelautan dan perikanan
no. KEP.10/MEN/2003 tentang perizinan usaha penangkapan ikan.
udang putih(P.indicus,P.merguiensis),udang krosok(metapenolopsis Sp.)
udang bago(P.monodon) dan jenis ikan lain seperti pethek(Leugnatus
Sp.) kuniran (upeneaus Sp).
Definisi : jaring penangkap ikan berbentuk empat persegi
panjang/trapesium,dilengkapi dengan tali kolor yang dilewatkan melalui
cincin yang diikatkan pada bagian bawah jaring (tali ris
bawah),sehingga dengan menarik tali itu jaring dapat dikuncupkan
sehingga gerombolan ikan terkurung di dalam jaring.
1.pasal 31 ayat 1 huruf b dan huruf c, kep.menteri kelautan dan
perikan KEP.60/MEN/2001
2. Pasal 16 ayat 1 huruf c, KepMen KEP.10/MEN/2003
Perairan ZEEI Laut sulawesi,ZEEI samudera pasific,ZEEI samudera hindia
pelagis kecil(kembung,selar,lemuru,dan ikan lainnya),pelagis besar
(cakalang,tuna dan jenis lainnya)
Definisi : alat tangkap ikan berupa lembaran jaring 4 persegi
panjajng,pada bagian atasnya dilengkapi tali ris dan pelampung sedang
kan bagian bawah di lengkapi tali ris dan pemberat terbuat dari
coplymers PVD,dioperasikan di lapisan permukaan,pertengahan,atau dasar
1. Pasal 31 ayat 1 huruf 3, No. KEP.60/MEN/2001
2. Pasal 16 ayat 1 huruf e. no. KEP.10/MEN/2003
Hampir digunakan di seluruh perairan indonesia
Jenis ikan pelagis, untuk gill-net dasar hasilnya jenis ikan demersal
Definisi : alat tangkap ikan yang di operasikan secara horizontal di
lapisan permukaan laut (50-400 meter),terdiri atas tali utama (main
line) yang pada jarak tertentu di gantungkan tali cabang (brench line)
yang ujung tali cabang di ikatkan pancing,tiap 5-15 tali cabang
dilengkapi pelampung
1. Pasal 31 ayat 1 huruf a. Kep menteri DKP nomor kep.60/MEN/2001
2. Pasal 16 ayat 1 huruf a. Kep menteri DKP nomor KEP.10/MEN/2003
Diizinkan beroperasi di wilayah ZEEI Samudera hindia,ZEEI laut
sulawesi,ZEEI samudera pasifik.
Tuna setuhuk hitam,setuhuk putih,alu-alu,layaran,ikan pedang,lemadang dan cucut
Definisi : jenis alat pancing penangkap ikan yang terdiri bambo
sebagai joran/tongkat dan tali sebagai tali pancing. Pada tali pancing
ini dikaitkan mata pancing yang tidak berkait. Penggunaan mata pancing
yang tidak berkait dimaksudkan agar ikan dapat mudah lepas
1. Pasal 8 ayat 2 huruf a. Dan ayat 3 Peraturan pemerintah RI No.54
tahun 2002 tentang usaha perikanan
ZEEI Laut sulawesi dan ZEEI samudera pasifik
Ikan cakalang
Definisi : mempunyai mata pancing yang banyak yang digantungkan pada
suatu tali yang panjang melalui tali penghubung yang disebut tali
cabang,agar mata pancing dapat berada disekitar dasar perairan secara
menetap maka dilengkapi pemberat dan pelampung pada posisi dan
kedalaman tertentu.tali cabang relatif pendek(5-10 m),dengan itu tali
pelampung dibuat relatif panjang
1. Pasal 8 ayat 2 huruf b. Dan ayat 3 Peraturan Pemerintah RI no.54
tahun 2002 tentang usaha perikanan
Pada semua wilayah perairan teritorial indonesia,dan wilayah
operasinya pada jalur I, II,dan III
Ikan pelagis kecil dan sedang,serta ikan yang hidup di dasar.
Definisg : pancing ulur yang terdiri dari banyak mata pancing yang
disusun menyerupai jangkar. Pada beberapa sentimeter diatas mata
pancing di ikatkan umpan,pancing ini khusus untuk menangkap
cumi-cumi,dalam pengoperasiannya menggunakan perahu/kapal dilengkapi
lampu sebagai penghimpun bawanan ikan
1. Pasal 31 ayat 1 huruf f. Kep menteri DKP Nomor. KEP.60/MEN/2001
2. Pasal 16 ayat 1 huruf f. Kep menteri DKP nomor KEP.10/MEN/2003
diseluruh laut wilayah dan ZEEI
Definisi : alat tangkap yang terbuat dari bahan jaring yang konstruksi
nya terdiri dari kantong,badan,dan sayap,serta dilengkapi
pelampaung,pemberat dan tali penarik(salambar). Alat tangkap digunakan
untuk menangkap ikan pelagis besar maupun kecil
(sesuai FAO,alat tangkap ikan ini di golongkan jaring lingkar dengan
kode 01.2.0 (01=kode jaring lingkar 2.0=kode tanpa tali kerut)
1. Pasal 8 ayat 2 huruf b. Dan ayat 3 Peraturan Pemerintah RI no.54
tahun 2002 tentang usaha perikanan
di perairan teritorial pada jalur I,dan II
Ikan cakalang,tongkol,tuna,dan kembung,serta menangkap Teri
Definisi : alat tangkap berbentuk jaring persegi empat (8-12 m) yang
pengoperasiannya dilakukan dengan menurunkan dan mengangkat secara
vertikal dari sisi kapal. Dalam pengoperasiannya menggunakan alat
bantu lampu sebagai pengumpul gerombolan ikan. Tujuan menangkap
ikan-ikan fototaksis positip
1. Pasal 8 ayat 2 huruf b. dan ayat 3 Peraturan Pemerintah RI No.54
tahun 2002 tentang usaha perikanan
Di wilayah perairan tertentu
Definisi : perangkap untuk menangkap ikan. Bubu mempunyai pintu dan
badan yang dirancang sedemikian rupa sehing bila ikan masuk kedalam
bubu melalui pintu tidak akan dapat keluar lagi.
(alat tangkap ini digolongkan menjadi bubu dasar,bubu apung/hanyut.
Berdasarkan desain dan konstruksi serta operasinya bubu di golongkan
ke dalam perangkap dengan kode ISSCFG 08.2.0 (08=kode perangkap
2.0=kode terapung))
1. Pasal 8 ayat 2 huruf b. dan ayat 3 Peraturan Pemerintah RI No.54
tahun 2002 tentang usaha perikanan.
Di perairan teritorial dan ZEEI samudera hindia,ZEEI laut sulawesi,dan
ZEEI Samudera pasifik
definisi : alat tangkap termasuk kedalam jaring kantong. LBSN (pukat
apung) terdiri dari 2 jenis : pukat apung biasa dan pukat apung teri.
Pembedaan nama pukat ini hanya didasarkan tujuan penangkapan. Dilihat
dari desain,kapal,dan perlengkapan pendukung tidak mempunyai perbedaan
yang mencolok.
LBSN digunakan di perairan sebelah barat sumatera dengan komiditi ikan
mesopelagis, dan umumnya di pakai di jalur I, pengoperasian di tarik
dengan alat bantu gardan
a. Sayap
b. Kepala jaring
c. Badan jaring
d. Kantong

Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Peluang investasi dibidang Kelautan di Padang, Sumatera Barat


ü      PTM (Perahu Tanpa Motor)    : 354 unit
ü      PMT (Perahu Motor Tempel)  : 427 unit
ü      KM   (Kapal Motor)                  : 518 unit
       (Termasuk 2 Unit Purse Seine)

Galangan Kapal
1.Kota PadangBungus, Teluk Kabung, Sungai Pisang, Ulak Karang,
Pasir Jambak




Senin, 29 Oktober 2012


Kali ini saya memposting tentang Ikan yang mahal ni...hihiSimak ya.....
Teknologi yang digunakan dalam pemanfaatan sumber daya tuna disesuaikan dengan sifat dan tingkah laku ikan sasaran. Tuna merupakan ikan perenang cepat yang bergerombol. Oleh karena itu, alat penangkap ikan yang digunakan haruslah yang sesuai dengan perilaku ikan tersebut. Ada lima macam alat penangkap tuna, yaitu rawai tuna, huhate, handline. pukat cincin, dan jaring insang.

Rawai tuna (tuna longllne)
Rawai tuna atau tuna longline adalah alat penangkap tuna yang paling efektif. Rawai tuna merupakan rangkaian sejumlah pancing yang dioperasikan sekaligus. Satu tuna longliner biasanya mengoperasikan 1.000 – 2.000 mata pancing untuk sekali turun.

Rawai tuna umumnya dioperasikan di laut lepas atau mencapai perairan samudera. Alat tangkap ini bersifat pasif, menanti umpan dimakan oleh ikan sasaran. Setelah pancing diturunkan ke perairan, lalu mesin kapal dimatikan. sehingga kapal dan alat tangkap akan hanyut mengikuti arah arus atau sering disebut drifting. Drifting berlangsung selama kurang lebih empat jam. Selanjutnya mata pancing diangkat kembali ke atas kapal.

Umpan longline harus bersifat atraktif. misalnya sisik ikan mengkilat, tahan di dalam air, dan tulang punggung kuat. Umpan dalam pengoperasian alat tangkap ini berfungsi sebagai alat pemikat ikan. Jenis umpan yang digunakan umumnya ikan pelagis kecil, seperti lemuru (Sardinella sp.), layang (Decopterus sp.), kembung (Rastrelliger sp.), dan bandeng (Chanos chanos).

Huhate (pole and line)
Huhate atau pole and line khusus dipakai untuk menangkap cakalang. Tak heran jika alat ini sering disebut “pancing cakalang”. Huhate dioperasikan sepanjang siang hari pada saat terdapat gerombolan ikan di sekitar kapal. Alat tangkap ini bersifat aktif. Kapal akan mengejar gerombolan ikan. Setelah gerombolan ikan berada di sekitar kapal, lalu diadakan pemancingan.

Terdapat beberapa keunikan dari alat tangkap huhate. Bentuk mata pancing huhate tidak berkait seperti lazimnya mata pancing. Mata pancing huhate ditutupi bulu-bulu ayam atau potongan rafia yang halus agar tidak tampak oleh ikan. Bagian haluan kapal huhate mempunyai konstruksi khusus, dimodifikasi menjadi lebih panjang, sehingga dapat dijadikan tempat duduk oleh pemancing. Kapal huhate umumnya berukuran kecil. Di dinding bagian lambung kapal, beberapa cm di bawah dek, terdapat sprayer dan di dek terdapat beberapa tempat ikan umpan hidup. Sprayer adalah alat penyemprot air.

Pemancingan dilakukan serempak oleh seluruh pemancing. Pemancing duduk di sekeliling kapal dengan pembagian kelompok berdasarkan keterampilan memancing.

Pemancing I adalah pemancing paling unggul dengan kecepatan mengangkat mata pancing berikan sebesar 50-60 ekor per menit. Pemaneing I diberi posisi di bagian haluan kapal, dimaksudkan agar lebih banyak ikan tertangkap.

Pemancing II diberi posisi di bagian lambung kiri dan kanan kapal. Sedangkan pemancing III berposisi di bagian buritan, umumnya adalah orang-orang yang baru belajar memancing dan pemancing berusia tua yang tenaganya sudah mulai berkurang atau sudah lamban. Hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah pada saat pemancingan dilakukan jangan ada ikan yang lolos atau jatuh kembali ke perairan, karena dapat menyebabkan gerombolan ikan menjauh dari sekitar kapal.

Umpan yang digunakan adalah umpan hidup, dimaksudkan agar setelah ikan umpan dilempar ke perairan akan berusaha kembali naik ke permukaan air. Hal ini akan mengundang cakalang untuk mengikuti naik ke dekat permukaan. Selanjutnya dilakukan penyemprotan air melalui sprayer. Penyemprotan air dimaksudkan untuk mengaburkan pandangan ikan, sehingga tidak dapat membedakan antara ikan umpan sebagai makanan atau mata pancing yang sedang dioperasikan. Umpan hidup yang digunakan biasanya adalah teri (Stolephorus spp.).

Pancing ulur (handline)
Handline atau pancing ulur dioperasikan pada siang hari. Konstruksi pancing ulur sangat sederhana. Pada satu tali pancing utama dirangkaikan 2-10 mata pancing secara vertikal. Pengoperasian alat ini dibantu menggunakan rumpon sebagai alat pengumpul ikan. Pada saat pemancingan, satu rumpon dikelilingi oleh lima unit kapal, masing-masing kapal berisi 3-5 orang pemancing. Umpan yang digunakan adalah ikan segar yang dipotong-potong. Hasil tangkapan utama pancing ulur adalah tuna (Thunnus spp.).

Pukat cincin (purse seine)
Pukat cincin atau purse seine adalah sejenis jaring yang di bagian bawahnya dipasang sejumlah cincin atau gelang besi. Dewasa ini tidak terlalu banyak dilakukan penangkapan tuna menggunakan pukat cincin, kalau pun ada hanya berskala kecil.

Pukat cincin dioperasikan dengan cara melingkarkan jaring terhadap gerombolan ikan. Pelingkaran dilakukan dengan cepat, kemudian secepatnya menarik purse line di antara cincin-cincin yang ada, sehingga jaring akan membentuk seperti mangkuk. Kecepatan tinggi diperlukan agar ikan tidak dapat meloloskan diri. Setelah ikan berada di dalam mangkuk jaring, lalu dilakukan pengambilan hasil tangkapan menggunakan serok atau penciduk.

Pukat cincin dapat dioperasikan siang atau malam hari. Pengoperasian pada siang hari sering menggunakan rumpon atau payaos sebagai alat bantu pengumpul ikan. Sedangkan alat bantu pengumpul yang sering digunakan di malam hari adalah lampu, umumnya menggunakan lampu petromaks.

Gafa et al. (1987) mengemukakan bahwa payaos selain berfungsi sebagai alat pengumpul ikan juga berfungsi sebagai penghambat pergerakan atau ruaya ikan, sehingga ikan akan berada lebih lama di sekitar payaos. Uktolseja (1987) menyatakan bahwa payaos dapat menjaga atau membantu cakalang tetap berada d lokasi pemasangannya selama 340 hari.

Jaring insang (gillnet)
Jaring insang merupakan jaring berben tuk empat persegi panjang dengan ukuran mata yang sama di sepanjang jaring. Dinamakan jaring insang karena berdasarkar cara tertangkapnya, ikan terjerat di bagian insangnya pada mata jaring. Ukuran ikan yang tertangkap relatif seragam.

Pengoperasian jaring insang dilakuka secara pasif. Setelah diturunkan ke perairan, kapal dan alat dibiarkan drifting, umumnya berlangsung selama 2-3 jam. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengangkat jaring sambil melepaskan ikan hasil tangkapan ke palka.

Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

ikan terbesar yg pernah tertangkap

Every sport fisherman dreams of catching “the big one,” a world-record lunker that will get his or her name forever etched in the annals of fishing history. Of course, most of us understand we’ll never realize this dream, and would instead be perfectly content to set a new personal best every couple of years. But there are people who have lived the dream—people who have landed monster fish certified by the International Game Fish Association as world records. So, to inspire anglers everywhere and keep dreams alive, here are 9 of the largest fish ever caught (by species).
9. Blue Catfish

This world record blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) was landed by 47-year-old Missouri resident Greg Bernal at 1:30 A.M. on July 21, 2010. He caught the beast with rod and reel in the Missouri River. At 57 inches long, 45 inches in girth, and a whopping 130 pounds, the fish beats five-year-old previous world record—also caught in Missouri—by a solid 6 pounds.
8. Giant Trevally

Keiki Hamasaki of Kagoshima, Japan caught this 160 lb. 7 oz. giant grevally (Caranx ignoblis) not far from his hometown on May 22, 2006. Casting a lure from the shore on a 130-pound test line, it took him 35 minutes to hall the fish in. It beat the previous record, set by Russel Mori, by 25 pounds.
7. Giant Tigerfish

The giant tigerfish (Hydrocynus goliath), found in rivers throughout central Africa, is famous (and almost certainly named) for its giant teeth. These teeth can take a chunk out of just about anything, including human limbs, so fishing for these things can be quite hazardous to one’s health. The world record giant tigerfish, caught on rod and real and pictured here, was landed on July 9, 1988 by Raymond Houtmans. It weighed a whopping 97 pounds.
6. Alligator Gar

The absolutely terrifying Alligator Gar (Atractosteus spatula) is typically found in the Southeastern portion of the United States, but they have been seen as far north as Illinois and as far south as Veracruz, Mexico. Historically despised because they feed on prized game fish like largemouth bass—and because they are scary as hell—recently there has been a surge in “Gar hunting.” The one pictured here, for example, may be the world record for Alligator Gar killed by bow and arrow. It was shot in Texas by John Paul Morris, the son of Bass Pro Shops CEO Johnny Morris. The beast measured 8’3” and weighed 230 pounds!
5. Largemouth Bass

In North America, the largemouth bass (Micropterus salmonides) record is considered the “holy grail” of freshwater fishing records. This is primarily due to two factors. First, largemouth bass are among the most sought-after game fish, and bass fishing is a billion dollar industry. Second, the world record for largemouth bass is one of the oldest and most revered in the world, having stood for an incredible 77 years. And while this hallowed record has not yet fallen, it has been tied. Manabu Kurita of Aichi, Japan caught a 22 lb. 4 oz. bass on July 2, 2009 in Lake Biwa near Kyoto, tying the record set by George Perry of Jacksonville, Georgia on June 2, 1932. There was much debate and quite a bit of controversy surrounding this record-setting catch, given the sanctity of the record involved, but the International Game Fish Association went to great lengths to verify the record—even subjecting Mr. Kurita to a polygraph test, which he passed. So, the record is officially tied.
4. Mekong Giant “Grizzly Bear” Catfish

On May 1, 2005 Fishermen in northern Thailand netted what scientists believe is the largest freshwater fish ever recorded, let alone caught. At 9 feet long and 646 pounds, the Mekong giant catfish (Pangasianodon gigas) was the size of an adult grizzly bear. Since this species of fish is considered critically endangered, the fishermen tried their best to keep the brute alive, but were unsuccessful. It was later eaten by local villagers.
3. Swordfish

The swordfish (Xiphias gladius) world record was set all the way back on May 7, 1953 off the coast of Iquique, Chile, by Lou Marron. The fish Marron landed after a grueling 2-hour fight was 179.25 inches long and weighed 1,182 pounds. It was one of the heaviest fish ever caught on rod and reel. Today, the restored mount of the fish is on display at the International Game Fish Association Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum in Miami, FL.
2. Atlantic Blue Marlin

The record for Atlantic Blue Marlin (Makaira nigricans) has the distinction of being set on a Leap Day. On Feburary 29, 1992, after an 80 minute battle, Paulo Amorim landed a whopper off the coast of Vitória, Brazil that weighed in at 1,402 pounds. This beat the old record by an impressive 120 pounds.
1. Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

Ken Fraser caught the world’s biggest Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in Aulds Cove, Nova Scotia back on October 26, 1979. He landed the 1,496 pound fish in an impressive 45 minutes, and has been basking in the glory ever since. These days, Ken Fraser has a slick website which he uses to peddle the book he wrote about his catch, Possessed. (Perhaps the book would be more appropriately titled Obsessed?)


Fishing is the activity of trying to catch fish. Fish are normally caught in the wild. Techniques for catching fish include hand gathering, spearing, netting, angling and trapping.
The term fishing may be applied to catching other aquatic animals such as molluscs, cephalopods, crustaceans, and echinoderms. The term is not normally applied to catching farmed fish, or to aquatic mammals, such as whales, where the term whaling is more appropriate.
According to FAO statistics, the total number of commercial fishermen and fish farmers is estimated to be 38 million. Fisheries and aquaculture provide direct and indirect employment to over 500 million people.[1] In 2005, the worldwide per capita consumption of fish captured from wild fisheries was 14.4 kilograms, with an additional 7.4 kilograms harvested from fish farms.[2] In addition to providing food, modern fishing is also a recreational pastime.


Fishing, tacuinum sanitatis casanatensis (14th century)
Stone Age fish hook made from bone
Fishing is an ancient practice that dates back to at least the beginning of the Paleolithic period about 40,000 years ago.[3] Isotopic analysis of the skeletal remains of Tianyuan man, a 40,000 year old modern human from eastern Asia, has shown that he regularly consumed freshwater fish.[4][5] Archaeology features such as shell middens,[6] discarded fish bones and cave paintings show that sea foods were important for survival and consumed in significant quantities. During this period, most people lived a hunter-gatherer lifestyle and were, of necessity, constantly on the move. However, where there are early examples of permanent settlements (though not necessarily permanently occupied) such as those at Lepenski Vir, they are almost always associated with fishing as a major source of food.
The ancient river Nile was full of fish; fresh and dried fish were a staple food for much of the population.[7] The Egyptians had implements and methods for fishing and these are illustrated in tomb scenes, drawings, and papyrus documents. Some representations hint at fishing being pursued as a pastime. In India, the Pandyas, a classical Dravidian Tamil kingdom, were known for the pearl fishery as early as the 1st century BC. Their seaport Tuticorin was known for deep sea pearl fishing. The paravas, a Tamil caste centred in Tuticorin, developed a rich community because of their pearl trade, navigation knowledge and fisheries. Fishing scenes are rarely represented in ancient Greek culture, a reflection of the low social status of fishing. However, Oppian of Corycus, a Greek author wrote a major treatise on sea fishing, the Halieulica or Halieutika, composed between 177 and 180. This is the earliest such work to have survived to the modern day. Pictorial evidence of Roman fishing comes from mosaics.[8] The Roman god of the sea Neptune is depicted as wielding a fishing trident. The Moche people of ancient Peru depicted fishermen in their ceramics.[9]
One of the world’s longest trading histories is the trade of dry cod from the Lofoten area of Norway to the southern parts of Europe, Italy, Spain and Portugal. The trade in cod started during the Viking period or before, has been going on for more than 1,000 years and is still important.[citation needed]


Fishermen with traditional fish traps, Hanoi, Vietnam
There are many fishing techniques or methods for catching fish. The term can also be applied to methods for catching other aquatic animals such as molluscs (shellfish, squid, octopus) and edible marine invertebrates.
Fishing techniques include hand gathering, spearfishing, netting, angling and trapping. Recreational, commercial and artisanal fishers use different techniques, and also, sometimes, the same techniques. Recreational fishers fish for pleasure or sport, while commercial fishers fish for profit. Artisanal fishers use traditional, low-tech methods, for survival in third-world countries, and as a cultural heritage in other countries. Mostly, recreational fishers use angling methods and commercial fishers use netting methods.
There is an intricate link between various fishing techniques and knowledge about the fish and their behaviour including migration, foraging and habitat. The effective use of fishing techniques often depends on this additional knowledge.[10] Some fishermen follow fishing folklores which claim that fish feeding patterns are influenced by the position of the sun and the moon.


Man seated at the side of the water surrounded by fishing rods and tackle.
An angler on the Kennet and Avon Canal, England, with his tackle.
Fishing tackle is a general term that refers to the equipment used by fishermen when fishing.
Almost any equipment or gear used for fishing can be called fishing tackle. Some examples are hooks, lines, sinkers, floats, rods, reels, baits, lures, spears, nets, gaffs, traps, waders and tackle boxes.
Tackle that is attached to the end of a fishing line is called terminal tackle. This includes hooks, sinkers, floats, leaders, swivels, split rings and wire, snaps, beads, spoons, blades, spinners and clevises to attach spinner blades to fishing lures.
Fishing tackle can be contrasted with fishing techniques. Fishing tackle refers to the physical equipment that is used when fishing, whereas fishing techniques refers to the ways the tackle is used when fishing.

Fishing vessels

Crab boat from the North Frisian Islands working in the North Sea
A fishing vessel is a boat or ship used to catch fish in the sea, or on a lake or river. Many different kinds of vessels are used in commercial, artisanal and recreational fishing.
According to the FAO, there are currently (2004) four million commercial fishing vessels.[11] About 1.3 million of these are decked vessels with enclosed areas. Nearly all of these decked vessels are mechanised, and 40,000 of them are over 100 tons. At the other extreme, two-thirds (1.8 million) of the undecked boats are traditional craft of various types, powered only by sail and oars.[11] These boats are used by artisan fishers.
Drawing of a sport fishing boat
It is difficult to estimate how many recreational fishing boats there are, although the number is high. The term is fluid, since most recreational boats are also used for fishing from time to time. Unlike most commercial fishing vessels, recreational fishing boats are often not dedicated just to fishing. Just about anything that will stay afloat can be called a recreational fishing boat, so long as a fisher periodically climbs aboard with the intent to catch a fish. Fish are caught for recreational purposes from boats which range from dugout canoes, kayaks, rafts, pontoon boats and small dingies to runabouts, cabin cruisers and cruising yachts to large, hi-tech and luxurious big game rigs.[12] Larger boats, purpose-built with recreational fishing in mind, usually have large, open cockpits at the stern, designed for convenient fishing.

Traditional fishing

Traditional fishing is a term used to describe small scale commercial or subsistence fishing practices, using traditional techniques such as rod and tackle, arrows and harpoons, throw nets and drag nets, etc.

Recreational fishing

Recreational and sport fishing describe fishing primarily for pleasure or competition. Recreational fishing has conventions, rules, licensing restrictions and laws that limit the way in which fish may be caught; typically, these prohibit the use of nets and the catching of fish with hooks not in the mouth. The most common form of recreational fishing is done with a rod, reel, line, hooks and any one of a wide range of baits or lures such as artificial flies. The practice of catching or attempting to catch fish with a hook is generally known as angling. In angling, it is sometimes expected or required that fish be returned to the water (catch and release). Recreational or sport fishermen may log their catches or participate in fishing competitions.
Big-game fishing describes fishing from boats to catch large open-water species such as tuna, sharks and marlin. Sport fishing (sometimes game fishing) describes recreational fishing where the primary reward is the challenge of finding and catching the fish rather than the culinary or financial value of the fish's flesh. Fish sought after include marlin, tuna, tarpon, sailfish, shark, mackerel, and many others.

Fishing industry

Modern Spanish tuna purse seiner in the Seychelles Islands
The fishing industry includes any industry or activity concerned with taking, culturing, processing, preserving, storing, transporting, marketing or selling fish or fish products. It is defined by the FAO as including recreational, subsistence and commercial fishing, and the harvesting, processing, and marketing sectors.[13] The commercial activity is aimed at the delivery of fish and other seafood products for human consumption or for use as raw material in other industrial processes.
There are three principal industry sectors:[Note 1]
  • The commercial sector comprises enterprises and individuals associated with wild-catch or aquaculture resources and the various transformations of those resources into products for sale. It is also referred to as the "seafood industry", although non-food items such as pearls are included among its products.
  • The traditional sector comprises enterprises and individuals associated with fisheries resources from which aboriginal people derive products in accordance with their traditions.
  • The recreational sector comprises enterprises and individuals associated for the purpose of recreation, sport or sustenance with fisheries resources from which products are derived that are not for sale.

Commercial fishing

Commercial fishing is the capture of fish for commercial purposes. Those who practice it must often pursue fish far into the ocean under adverse conditions. Commercial fishermen harvest almost all aquatic species, from tuna, cod and salmon to shrimp, krill, lobster, clams, squid and crab, in various fisheries for these species. Commercial fishing methods have become very efficient using large nets and sea-going processing factories. Individual fishing quotas and international treaties seek to control the species and quantities caught.
A commercial fishing enterprise may vary from one man with a small boat with hand-casting nets or a few pot traps, to a huge fleet of trawlers processing tons of fish every day.
Commercial fishing gear includes weights, nets (e.g. purse seine), seine nets (e.g. beach seine), trawls (e.g. bottom trawl), dredges, hooks and line (e.g. long line and handline), lift nets, gillnets, entangling nets and traps.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, total world capture fisheries production in 2000 was 86 million tons (FAO 2002). The top producing countries were, in order, the People's Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong and Taiwan), Peru, Japan, the United States, Chile, Indonesia, Russia, India, Thailand, Norway and Iceland. Those countries accounted for more than half of the world's production; China alone accounted for a third of the world's production. Of that production, over 90% was marine and less than 10% was inland.
Intensive koi aquaculture facility in Israel
A small number of species support the majority of the world’s fisheries. Some of these species are herring, cod, anchovy, tuna, flounder, mullet, squid, shrimp, salmon, crab, lobster, oyster and scallops. All except these last four provided a worldwide catch of well over a million tonnes in 1999, with herring and sardines together providing a catch of over 22 million metric tons in 1999. Many other species as well are fished in smaller numbers.

Fish farms

Fish farming is the principal form of aquaculture, while other methods may fall under mariculture. It involves raising fish commercially in tanks or enclosures, usually for food. A facility that releases juvenile fish into the wild for recreational fishing or to supplement a species' natural numbers is generally referred to as a fish hatchery. Fish species raised by fish farms include Atlantic salmon, carp, tilapia, catfish, trout and others.
Increased demands on wild fisheries by commercial fishing has caused widespread overfishing. Fish farming offers an alternative solution to the increasing market demand for fish and fish protein.
Gyula Derkovits, still-life with fish (1928)

Fish products

Fish and fish products are consumed as food all over the world. With other seafoods, it provides the world's prime source of high-quality protein: 14–16 percent of the animal protein consumed worldwide. Over one billion people rely on fish as their primary source of animal protein.[15]
Fish and other aquatic organisms are also processed into various food and non-food products, such as sharkskin leather, pigments made from the inky secretions of cuttlefish, isinglass used for the clarification of wine and beer, fish emulsion used as a fertilizer, fish glue, fish oil and fish meal.
Fish are also collected live for research or the aquarium trade.

Fish marketing

Fisheries management

Fisheries management draws on fisheries science in order to find ways to protect fishery resources so sustainable exploitation is possible. Modern fisheries management is often referred to as a governmental system of (hopefully appropriate) management rules based on defined objectives and a mix of management means to implement the rules, which are put in place by a system of monitoring control and surveillance.
Fisheries science is the academic discipline of managing and understanding fisheries. It is a multidisciplinary science, which draws on the disciplines of oceanography, marine biology, marine conservation, ecology, population dynamics, economics and management in an attempt to provide an integrated picture of fisheries. In some cases new disciplines have emerged, such as bioeconomics.


Issues involved in the long term sustainability of fishing include overfishing, by-catch, marine pollution, environmental effects of fishing, climate change and fish farming.
Conservation issues are part of marine conservation, and are addressed in fisheries science programs. There is a growing gap between how many fish are available to be caught and humanity’s desire to catch them, a problem that gets worse as the world population grows.
Similar to other environmental issues, there can be conflict between the fishermen who depend on fishing for their livelihoods and fishery scientists who realise that if future fish populations are to be sustainable then some fisheries must limit fishing or cease operations.

Cultural impact

Ona, a traditional fishing village in Norway
  • Community impact: For communities like fishing villages, fisheries provide not only a source of food and work but also a community and cultural identity.[16]
  • Semantic impact: The expression "fishing expedition" describes a situation where a questioner implies he knows more than he actually does in order to trick his target into divulging more information than he wishes to reveal. Other examples of fishing terms that carry a negative connotation are: "fishing for compliments", "to be fooled hook, line and sinker" (to be fooled beyond merely "taking the bait"), and the internet scam of Phishing in which a third party will duplicate a website where the user would put sensitive information (such as bank codes).
  • Religious impact: Fishing has had an effect on all major religions, including Islam,[17] Christianity,[18][19] Buddhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, and the various new age[20] religions. According to the Roman Catholic faith the first Pope was a fisherman, the Apostle Peter,[21] a number of the miracles, and many parables and stories reported in the Bible involve it. The Pope's traditional vestments include a fish-shaped hat.


Oleh Mukhtar, A.Pi. M,Si

1. Pukat Udang (Shrimp Trawl)
Pukat udang adalah jenis jaring berbentuk kantong dengan sasaran tangkapannya udang. Jaring dilengkapi sepasang (2 buah) papan pembuka mulut jaring (otter board) dan Turtle Excluder Device/TED, tujuan utamanya untuk menangkap udang dan ikan dasar (demersal), yang dalam pengoperasiannya menyapu dasar perairan dan hanya boleh ditarik oleh satu kapal motor.
2. Pukat Ikan (Fish Net)
Pukat Ikan atau Fish Net adalah jenis penangkap ikan berbentuk kantong bersayap yang dalam operasinya dilengkapi (2 buah) papan pembuka mulut (otter board), tujuan utamanya untuk menangkap ikan perairan pertengahan (mid water) dan ikan perairan dasar (demersal), yang dalam pengoperasiannya ditarik melayang di atas dasar hanya oleh 1 (satu) buah kapal bermotor.
3. Pukat Kantong (Seine Net)
Pukat Kantong adalah alat penangkapan ikan berbentuk kantong yg terbuat dari jaring & terdiri dari 2 (dua) bagian sayap, badan dan kantong jaring. Bagian sayap pukat kantong (seine net) lebih panjang dari pada bagian sayap pukat tarik (trawl). Alat tangkap ini digunakan untuk menangkap berbagai jenis ikan pelagis, dan demersal. Pukat Kantong terdiri dari Payang, Dogol dan Pukat Pantai.
4. Pukat Cincin (Purse Seine)
Pukat cincin atau jaring lingkar (purse seine) adalah jenis jaring penangkap ikan berbentuk empat persegi panjang atau trapesium, dilengkapi dengan tali kolor yang dilewatkan melalui cincin yang diikatkan pada bagian bawah jaring (tali ris bawah), sehingga dengan menarik tali kolor bagian bawah jaring dapat dikuncupkan sehingga gerombolan ikan terkurung di dalam jaring.
  1. ]aring Insang (Gillnet)

Jaring insang adalah alat penangkapan ikan berbentuk lembaran jaring empat persegi panjang, yang mempunyai ukuran mata jaring merata. Lembaran jaring dilengkapi dengan sejumlah pelampung pada tali ris atas dan sejumlah pemberat pada tali ris bawah. Ada beberapa gill net yang mempunyai penguat bawah (srampat/selvedge) terbuat dari saran sebagai pengganti pemberat. Tinggi jaring insang permukaan 5-15 meter & bentuk gill net empat persegi panjang atau trapesium terbalik, tinggi jaring insang pertengahan 5-10 meter dan bentuk gill net empat persegi panjang serta tinggi jaring insang dasar 1-3 meter dan bentuk gill net empat persegi panjang atau trapesium. Bentuk gill net tergantung dari panjang tali ris atas dan bawah.
  1. Jaring Angkat (Lift Net)
Jaring angkat adalah alat penangkapan ikan berbentuk lembaran jaring persegi panjang atau bujur sangkar yang direntangkn atau dibentangkan dengan menggunakn kerangka dari batang kayu atau bambu (bingkai kantong jaring) sehingga jaring angkat membentuk kantong.
7. Pancing (Hook and Lines)

Pancing adalah alat penangkapan ikan yang terdiri dari sejumlah utas tali dan sejumlah pancing. Setiap pancing menggunakan umpan atau tanpa umpan, baik umpan alami ataupun umpan buatan. Alat penangkapan ikan yang termasuk dalam klasifikasi pancing, yaitu rawai (long line) dan pancing.
8. Perangkap (Traps)
Perangkap adalah alat penangkapan ikan berbagai bentuk yang terbuat dari jaring, bambu, kayu dan besi, yangg dipasang secara tetap di dasar perairan atau secara portable (dapat dipindahkan) selama jangka waktu tertentu. Umumnya ikan demersal terperangkap atau tertangkap secara alami tanpa cara penangkapan khusus.
9. Alat Pengumpul Rumput Laut (Sea Weed Colector)

Alat pengumpul rumput laut adalah alat yg digunakan untuk mengambil dan mengumpulkan rumput laut, terdiri dari pisau, sabit dan alat penggaruk. Pengumpulannya dilakukan dengan menggunakan tangan dan pisau atau sabit sebagai alat pemotong dan alat penggaruk sebagai alat pengumpul rumput laut. Hasil potongan rumput laut dimasukkan ke dalam keranjang.
10. Muroami
Muroami adalah alat penangkapan ikan berbentuk kantong yg terbuat dari jaring dan terdiri dari 2 (dua) bagian sayap yg panjang, badan dan kantong jaring (cod end). Pemasangannya dng cara menenggelamkan muroami yang dipasang menetap menggunakan jangkar. Pada setiap ujung bagian sayap serta di sisi atas kedua bagian sayap dan mulut jaring dipasang pelampung bertali panjang. Untuk menarik jaring ke arah belakang, menggunakan sejumlah perahu/kapal yg diikatkan pd bagian badan dajn kantong jaring. Muroami dipasang di daerah perairan karang untuk menangkap ikan-ikan karang.
11. Alat Tangkap Lain-Lain (Others)
Lain-lain adalah alat penangkap ikan lainnya yang belum termasuk dalam klasifikasi alat penangkap ikan di atas.